Land & Property
March 6, 2023

Land and Property Investments: An Overview of Emerging Trends and Statistical Growth

Investing in land and property has always been a popular choice among investors due to its potential for long-term growth and stability.

Investing in land and property has always been a popular choice among investors due to its potential for long-term growth and stability. In recent years, there have been several emerging trends in the industry, which have attracted more investors to this asset class. In this article, we will explore some of the latest trends and statistical growth in land and property investments.

Demographic Shifts and Urbanisation

The world's population is expected to reach 9.7 billion by 2050, with more than two-thirds living in cities. This rapid urbanisation is driving demand for housing and commercial real estate. Investors are taking advantage of this trend by investing in properties located in rapidly growing urban areas.

Rise of Technology

Technology is disrupting the real estate industry, with the emergence of Proptech companies that are transforming the way we buy, sell, and manage properties. Real estate technology is making it easier for investors to find and invest in properties remotely, manage their portfolios online and, access real-time data on market trends and property performance.

Sustainability and ESG Investing

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing has gained popularity in recent years, and the real estate industry is no exception. Investors are increasingly seeking sustainable and socially responsible properties that offer long-term value while reducing environmental impact. This trend is driving demand for green buildings, renewable energy, and sustainable development projects.

Alternative Property Types

Investors are diversifying their portfolios by investing in alternative property types, such as student housing, senior living, and co-working spaces. These property types offer unique investment opportunities and can provide higher returns than traditional property types.

Globalisation and International Investment

Globalisation has made it easier for investors to invest in properties overseas, with many countries offering favourable tax and regulatory environments for foreign investors. This trend is driving demand for properties in emerging markets such as Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

Statistical Growth and Performance

Land and property investments have historically provided strong returns and have outperformed other asset classes in the long run. According to the National Council of Real Estate Investment Fiduciaries (NCREIF), the total return for US commercial real estate in 2021 was 14.8%, with industrial properties performing particularly well. Additionally, land values have been steadily increasing, with the US Department of Agriculture reporting an average annual increase of 2.7% for cropland and 2.9% for pastureland from 1997 to 2021.

In conclusion, land and property investments continue to be popular choices among investors due to their potential for long-term growth and stability. Emerging trends such as demographic shifts, technology, sustainability, alternative property types, and globalisation are driving demand for properties and offering new investment opportunities. Statistical growth and performance demonstrate the strength of this asset class in providing strong returns and outperforming other asset classes. Investors should consider including land and property investments in their portfolio for diversification and long-term growth potential.

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